Santos E-Sports

April 16, 2022Transfer
kondzkondzleft the team
April 16, 2022Transfer
HxnteerHxnteerleft the team
February 27, 2022Transfer
rhzzrhzzleft the team
February 27, 2022Transfer
StkStkleft the team
August 30, 2021Transfer
mgNmgNjoined the team as: player
August 29, 2021Transfer
DestinyDestinyleft the team
July 18, 2021Transfer
March 27, 2021Transfer
rhzzrhzzjoined the team as: player
March 1, 2021Transfer
StkStkjoined the team as: player
March 1, 2021Transfer
kondzkondzjoined the team as: player
March 1, 2021Transfer
DestinyDestinyjoined the team as: player
March 1, 2021Transfer
HxnteerHxnteerjoined the team as: player
March 1, 2021Transfer
Lend4Lend4joined the team as: coach
February 28, 2021Transfer
MityMityleft the team
February 28, 2021Transfer
WagaoWagaoleft the team
February 28, 2021Transfer
cypriSscypriSsleft the team
February 28, 2021Transfer
SKaDinhaSKaDinhaleft the team
January 1, 2021Transfer
FREEZAOFREEZAOjoined the team as: analyst
December 1, 2015Transfer
MityMityjoined the team as: player
December 1, 2015Transfer
WagaoWagaojoined the team as: player
December 1, 2015Transfer
cypriSscypriSsjoined the team as: player
August 19, 2000Transfer
SKaDinhaSKaDinhajoined the team as: player