
18 March 2024Transfer
PhaczyPhaczyleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
KuukulJuaanKuukulJuaanjoined the team as: coach
3 September 2023Transfer
denikedenikejoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
MeightMeightjoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
VictoryVictoryleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
UnflxedUnflxedleft the team
27 March 2023Transfer
PePePePeleft the team
20 March 2023Transfer
VictoryVictoryjoined the team as: player
20 March 2023Transfer
UnflxedUnflxedjoined the team as: player
20 March 2023Transfer
PhaczyPhaczyjoined the team as: player
20 March 2023Transfer
NhilVNhilVjoined the team as: player
20 March 2023Transfer
P1XIEP1XIEjoined the team as: player
22 March 2022Transfer
PechitoPechitoleft the team
22 March 2022Transfer
ZETAZETAleft the team
2 March 2022Transfer
R1ckR1ckleft the team
27 February 2022Transfer
denikedenikeleft the team
10 January 2022Transfer
AtlaSAtlaSjoined the team as: player
22 April 2021Transfer
Jagerz1nhoJagerz1nholeft the team
21 April 2021Transfer
Jagerz1nhoJagerz1nhojoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
PePePePejoined the team as: player
6 March 2021Transfer
PechitoPechitojoined the team as: player
5 March 2021Transfer
AsterixAsterixleft the team
5 March 2021Transfer
TOMTOMleft the team
5 March 2021Transfer
SkillzSkillzleft the team
1 January 2021Transfer
AsterixAsterixjoined the team as: coach
1 January 2021Transfer
R1ckR1ckjoined the team as: coach
1 January 2021Transfer
ZETAZETAjoined the team as: player
1 January 2021Transfer
TOMTOMjoined the team as: player
1 January 2021Transfer
denikedenikejoined the team as: player
1 January 2021Transfer
SkillzSkillzjoined the team as: player
30 July 2020Transfer
AtlaSAtlaSleft the team