Team Cruelty

Team Cruelty

7 December 2024Transfer
Dante7Dante7left the team
4 December 2024Transfer
SkMzYSkMzYjoined the team as: player
10 September 2024
9 September 2024Transfer
FatalFataljoined the team as: player
9 September 2024Transfer
ToskiToskileft the team
9 September 2024Transfer
RoviRovileft the team
9 September 2024Transfer
Dante7Dante7joined the team as: player
16 May 2024B.E.C Arena, Manchester
18 March 2024Transfer
RoyzRoyzleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
NavyNavyleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
LucaLucaleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
FatalFatalleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
GuichoGuicholeft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
GuichoGuichojoined the team as: coach
18 March 2024Transfer
MotumboMotumbojoined the team as: player
18 March 2024Transfer
IvanIvanjoined the team as: player
18 March 2024Transfer
PyroxzPyroxzjoined the team as: player
18 March 2024Transfer
ToskiToskijoined the team as: player
12 December 2023Transfer
RoviRovijoined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
L1m0n4d4L1m0n4d4joined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
AlanDerfAlanDerfleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
LucaLucajoined the team as: player
2 September 2023Transfer
ToskiToskileft the team
2 September 2023Transfer
FatalFataljoined the team as: player
20 March 2023Transfer
UnflxedUnflxedleft the team
23 January 2023Transfer
ToskiToskijoined the team as: player
11 January 2023Transfer
GladiuZGladiuZleft the team
16 July 2022Transfer
RonnyRonnyleft the team
16 June 2022Transfer
RoyzRoyzjoined the team as: coach
15 June 2022Transfer
Re4perRe4perleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
GuichoGuichojoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
AlanDerfAlanDerfjoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
NavyNavyjoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
OeNz.OeNz.left the team
23 March 2022Transfer
ZFRZFRleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
AftrhAftrhleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
GlazuGlazuleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
ZenoticZenoticleft the team
15 October 2021Transfer
PhaczyPhaczyleft the team
7 September 2021Transfer
UnflxedUnflxedjoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
RonnyRonnyjoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
Re4perRe4perjoined the team as: coach
7 September 2021Transfer
GladiuZGladiuZjoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
OeNz.OeNz.joined the team as: player
6 September 2021Transfer
ConnorConnorleft the team
24 July 2021Transfer
ZFRZFRjoined the team as: player
24 July 2021Transfer
PhaczyPhaczyjoined the team as: player
24 July 2021Transfer
AftrhAftrhjoined the team as: coach
24 July 2021Transfer
GlazuGlazujoined the team as: player
24 July 2021Transfer
ConnorConnorjoined the team as: player
23 July 2021Transfer
ElizaldeElizaldeleft the team
23 July 2021Transfer
LightninGLightninGleft the team
23 July 2021Transfer
ChaidezChaidezleft the team
23 July 2021Transfer
NaimNaimleft the team
2 May 2021Transfer
ZenoticZenoticjoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
ElizaldeElizaldejoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
LightninGLightninGjoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
ChaidezChaidezjoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
NaimNaimjoined the team as: player