Team Cruelty
42 | #37 | #22 |
Followers | Popularity | Standing |
11 January 2025
7 December 2024Transfer
Dante7left the team
4 December 2024Transfer
SkMzYjoined the team as: player
10 September 2024
2nd PlaceHispanic LATAM League
9 September 2024Transfer
Fataljoined the team as: player
9 September 2024Transfer
Toskileft the team
9 September 2024Transfer
Rovileft the team
9 September 2024Transfer
Dante7joined the team as: player
16 May 2024B.E.C Arena, Manchester
20th PlaceMajor Manchester
18 March 2024Transfer
Royzleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
Navyleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
Lucaleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
Fatalleft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
Guicholeft the team
18 March 2024Transfer
Guichojoined the team as: coach
18 March 2024Transfer
Motumbojoined the team as: player
18 March 2024Transfer
Ivanjoined the team as: player
18 March 2024Transfer
Pyroxzjoined the team as: player
18 March 2024Transfer
Toskijoined the team as: player
18 March 2024
1st PlaceHispanic LATAM League
12 December 2023Transfer
Rovijoined the team as: player
6 October 2023
5 September 2023
7th PlaceHispanic LATAM Closed League
3 September 2023Transfer
L1m0n4d4joined the team as: player
3 September 2023Transfer
AlanDerfleft the team
3 September 2023Transfer
Lucajoined the team as: player
2 September 2023Transfer
Toskileft the team
2 September 2023Transfer
Fataljoined the team as: player
14 April 2023
20 March 2023Transfer
Unflxedleft the team
20 March 2023
4th PlaceHispanic LATAM Closed League
23 January 2023Transfer
Toskijoined the team as: player
11 January 2023Transfer
GladiuZleft the team
16 October 2022
17 September 2022
23 July 2022
16 July 2022Transfer
Ronnyleft the team
18 June 2022
16 June 2022Transfer
Royzjoined the team as: coach
15 June 2022Transfer
Re4perleft the team
26 March 2022
23 March 2022Transfer
Guichojoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
AlanDerfjoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
Navyjoined the team as: player
23 March 2022Transfer
OeNz.left the team
23 March 2022Transfer
ZFRleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
Aftrhleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
Glazuleft the team
23 March 2022Transfer
Zenoticleft the team
16 November 2021
15 October 2021Transfer
Phaczyleft the team
7 September 2021Transfer
Unflxedjoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
Ronnyjoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
Re4perjoined the team as: coach
7 September 2021Transfer
GladiuZjoined the team as: player
7 September 2021Transfer
OeNz.joined the team as: player
6 September 2021Transfer
Connorleft the team
24 July 2021Transfer
ZFRjoined the team as: player
24 July 2021Transfer
Phaczyjoined the team as: player
24 July 2021Transfer
Aftrhjoined the team as: coach
24 July 2021Transfer
Glazujoined the team as: player
24 July 2021Transfer
Connorjoined the team as: player
23 July 2021Transfer
Elizaldeleft the team
23 July 2021Transfer
LightninGleft the team
23 July 2021Transfer
Chaidezleft the team
23 July 2021Transfer
Naimleft the team
2 May 2021Transfer
Zenoticjoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
Elizaldejoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
LightninGjoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
Chaidezjoined the team as: player
2 May 2021Transfer
Naimjoined the team as: player