September 6, 2024Transfer
tadaNikitadaNikileft the team
March 15, 2024Transfer
WindowWindowleft the team
March 15, 2024Transfer
TakeTakeleft the team
March 20, 2023Transfer
soltysoltyleft the team
March 19, 2023Transfer
CandyCandyleft the team
June 16, 2022Transfer
NoTimeGGNoTimeGGleft the team
February 28, 2022Transfer
soltysoltyjoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
WindowWindowjoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
NoTimeGGNoTimeGGjoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
TakeTakejoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
tadaNikitadaNikijoined the team as: player
February 28, 2022Transfer
CandyCandyjoined the team as: player