Hello! This is a guide on HTML formatting for FH articles.
To embed a youtube video, use the following source code below and replace the youtube ID:
To create a numbered 1,2,3 list, use the OL tags:
- Kensei
- Orochi
- Warden
- Factions
To create a bulleted list, use the UL tags:
- Campaign
- Brawl
- Dominion
To embed an image:
You can use an image URL or TCM number
To center an embedded image, use center tags

To link to a downloadable file:
Download the 2016 For Honor Fan Kit
To create a hyperlink to another page:
This will link to another page
To open the link in a new tab use this
= URL to other page
Large, center text quotes:
"Large quote here!"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer arcu enim, finibus sed ante tincidunt, porta sodales augue. Fusce dictum suscipit augue id mollis. Fusce in nibh a nulla scelerisque eleifend. Maecenas vel feugiat urna. Morbi urna diam, tempor efficitur sodales ut, elementum non nulla. Ut cursus velit a magna sodales, ac tempus urna sodales. Maecenas quis commodo mauris.