18 July 2023

The Future of Roller Champions

Hello Champions,

We've got an important update for you.

The Roller Champions experience is going to change moving forward. Considering the activity that we've been seeing in the game; we have made the decision to let Tours and Pick a Prize become the definitive Roller Champions experience. These features will be permanently replacing the seasonal content drop & core gameplay updates. Additionally, the monthly Top 100 Leaderboard Banners will be discontinued from this point forward. This decision is the one we must make to keep the game sustainable and have it live on.

We want to thank you all for being along for the ride with us through this point, and we hope you'll keep enjoying this definitive Roller Champions experience. There's still tons of content to unlock and memorable moments to be had!

The coming months will see the continued rotation of our 20 unique tours, week over week, after which a new cycle will begin. And of course, we’ll have double fan events running on weekends from time to time to beef up your Pick-A-Prize collection.

As for game modes, they'll continue their expedited cycle, running through each event throughout the course of a week. Clone Clash and 2v2, being the longtime community favorites, will still see the most uptime, but of course there will be some Hot Potato and Arena 8 action to look forward to!

For now, it's time to lace up those skates - we wish you the best of luck and good fun in the rink, champions!

- The Roller Champions Dev Team

Join us on TikTok or through our official Discord, where we also share news, team up, and talk shop with you - the community!

You can also follow us on Twitter to keep an eye out for updates on the game.

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