
Top Issues and Community Concerns

Updated: 15 May 2019

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Clash Exploit

Description: Players are able to perform a series of actions to gain an unfair advantage over others as Clash.
Status: We are able to reproduce this, and are now working on a fix. No ETA for when that fix will be finished.

Deployable Shield Exploit

Description: Players are able to perform a series of actions to gain an unfair advantage over others with Deployable Shields.
Status: We are able to reproduce this, and are now working on a fix. No ETA for when that fix will be finished.

IQ Exploit

Description: Players are able to perform a series of actions to gain an unfair advantage over others as IQ.
Status: We are able to reproduce this, and are now working on a fix. No ETA for when that fix will be finished.

Leaning death cam replay

Description: When leaning players are killed by a headshot, the kill cam does not accurately represent the model’s actual body position.
Status: Target Y4S2.0 Test Server

Vaulting onto Black Mirrors

Description: Players can vault onto Black Mirrors and access previously inaccessible areas.
Status: Target Y4S2.0 Test Server

Gu mine forcing Hostage into prevent revive mode

Description: Lesion Gu mines can be used to DBNO the hostage and force them into prevent revive mode.
Status: Target Y4S2.0 Test Server

Vaulting onto the purple tarps of Coastline

Description: Attackers can vault on top of the purple tarps of Coastline.
Status: Target Y4S2.0 Test Server

Deploying gadgets on Prismas

Description: Deployable gadgets can be deployed onto Alibi’s Prisma.
Status: Target Y4S2.0 Test Server

Sound bugs

Description: Muffled, missing sounds + various sound issues primarily on console.
Status: We are preparing a large batch of audio bug fixes to be deployed at some point during Season 2, but they must all be deployed at the same time and we have some that are not finalized. That said, we have identified additional standalone bugs and are working on addressing them as well.

Smoke Gas Canister propagation

Description: Gas from Smoke’s Gas Grenades clips through walls.
Objective: Our goal is to rework the propagation so it is similar to the new Capitao fire bolt, and use this as an opportunity to revisit the visual.
Status: [Target: During Y4S2] We are working on performance and visual tweaks to ensure that there is no impact on game performance. We are currently refining the optimization of this gadget family, and are excited about the results so far!

Weapon sight alignment

Description: Weapon optics are a few pixels off center in some situations.
Objective: We want to implement a system to prevent most misalignment issues in the future. At the same time, we are improving the look of the guns in ADS by adding secondary motion, which is now possible due to the tech that keeps the scopes aligned with the reticule.
Status: [Target: During Y4S3] We have decided to take a pass on all weapon optics and ensure that there is parity between them. As such, this has turned into a much bigger task than initially anticipated.

Shields 1st/3rd person mismatch when rotating

Description: There is a misalignment of the shield for Operators when they rotate.
Objective: We needed to fix the situations where you feel protected in 1st person when rotating while fighting someone, but your enemy can sometimes see exposed parts of you such as your shoulders because the rotation isn’t smooth and steady like in 1st person.
Status: [Target: During Y4S2] The majority of work is complete, but we are taking additional time to for testing.

Joystick Sensitivity Curve (Controllers)

Description: We currently have a sensitivity curve for Controller users that is not comfortable for all players.
Objective: Provide players with an additional joystick sensitivity option with significantly less acceleration. Status: [Target: During Y4S2] We are currently in the design phase to determine how we want to approach this topic. We are exploring and prototyping different options.


Description: We want to bring Glaz closer to the original idea of a sniper, holding a line of sight with a high powered rifle.
Status: [Target: Y4S2.0 Test Server] We are currently testing a system that would allow us to reduce his effectiveness of pushing, and still allow him to hold a line of sight as intended.


Description: Adjustments to the damage curve for Smoke’s Gas Canister will move Smoke further towards an area denial role.
Status: [Target: During Y4S2] We are looking to change the damage curve from plateauing over time to ramping up over time. This will encourage players to avoid waiting in the gas for too long.

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