December 20, 2023

4 Min Read

A Day in the Life with Annie, Development Tester

Leveling Up Thursdays: A Game Dev's Tale at Ubisoft Halifax

Ever played a game where Thursdays are as cool as boss fights? Well, at Ubisoft Halifax, they are! As a Development Tester, my weekly grind splits between cozy WFH Mondays and Fridays, and office days that are like bonus levels. But Thursdays? They're the real game-changer.

[HALIFAX STUDIO] - Staff Spotlight - img1

Morning Quest: Ferry Rides and Coffee Power-Ups

My day starts with a ferry mini-adventure across Halifax harbor. It's like a daily DLC with stunning views - seriously, the graphics are amazing (nice job, Mother Nature!). Then, it's off to Cabin Coffee, the best pit stop for a breakfast bun to power-up before facing the day's quests.

The office is my next checkpoint. Stepping into Ubisoft studio, it's like entering a realm where creativity and technology are best buds. The walls are a canvas of concept art, and the air hums with the rhythm of keyboards and friendly chatter. And in this creative playground, even our coffee mugs get to join the fun! Take my mug, for instance - it's rocking a festive look right now because, hey, 'tis the season to sprinkle a little holiday magic into our daily brew. It's a small but merry reminder that at Ubisoft, we're all about blending hard work with dashes of fun and personal flair. Even though I'm still the new kid on the block here, the crew at Ubisoft Halifax has been amazing. It's like every day, someone's there to high-five me through the learning curve. This place really knows how to make a newbie feel like part of the game dev family.

[HALIFAX STUDIO] - Staff Spotlight - img2

Main Mission: Bug Hunts and Team Combos

After some morning banter, it's time to dive into the day's main mission. Standup meeting done? Check. Jira tasks updated? Check. Now, it's all about hitting that sweet spot of focus. Headphones on, playlist ready - let the deep work gaming session begin! The rhythm of my favorite tunes helps me to navigate through the complex landscapes of code and testing scenarios, each bug discovery and resolution like a mini victory in an epic campaign.

Thursdays are for routine squashing bugs (the code kind, not the creepy-crawly kind) and refining our testing strategies. Finding a bug is like spotting a rare item - it's a call to action. It's nice to know that our devs are always ready to jump in and strategize for the win. 

[HALIFAX STUDIO] - Staff Spotlight - img3

Lunch Level: Food and Learning Combos

Lunchtime can be a surprise plot twist for me (I often forget to pack my lunch). But today's a bonus round - we've got a "Lunch & Learn" session and both are on Ubisoft. The topic? UI/UX and Accessibility. It's like feeding your brain and belly at the same time - a perfect combo! As we dive into the intricacies of user experience and accessibility in gaming, I'm reminded of the impact our work has on players around the globe. It's a responsibility we take seriously, wrapped in the fun and excitement of creative problem-solving.

Thursdays' post-lunch is always for skill-building. I've got my sights set on the ISTQB certification - leveling up in real life. Studying for this is like grinding in an RPG, but the XP is totally worth it. The path to certification is challenging, but it's fuelled by my passion for gaming and a commitment to excellence in my field.

[HALIFAX STUDIO] - Staff Spotlight - img4

Quest Complete: Homeward Bound

Come 4:30 PM, it's time to log off. I do my daily side quest of cleaning my mug, say "see you later" to my desk buddy Grogu, and set off to catch the ferry - my ride back to the real world. As the office fades into the background, I reflect on the day's achievements and the adventures that await tomorrow.

So, that's a wrap on a typical Thursday in my life at Ubisoft Halifax. It's a mix of routine, challenges, and a whole lot of coffee. Working here is like being in a game where every day is a new level, complete with its own quests and achievements. And while I might not always remember my lunch, I'm always grateful to be part of this epic adventure in the gaming world. Game on!