2024 March 14

3 分(読むのにかかる時間)

Patch Notes 2.50.1




  • New Move: Nomad Swing
    • Switches your Mode from Staff-to-Axe or Axe-to-Staff in mid-chain
    • Performed by pressing Zone Attack input after any non-Finisher attack
    • Is a 500ms Attack
    • Deals 12 Damage
    • Costs 12 Stamina
  • Staff Mode Chained Lights no longer have Uninterruptible Stance
  • Staff Mode Finisher Lights no longer have Uninterruptible Stance
  • Axe Mode Finisher Lights:
    • Are now Undodgeable
    • Increased the forward movement


  • Dagger Cancel
    • Is now 366ms (down from 400ms)
    • Parry Window is now 166ms (down from 200ms)
  • Riposting Stab is now performed by pressing the Light attack button
  • Zone Attack 1st hit now costs 20 stamina (down from 40)
  • Deep Gouge no longer requires strict timing to perform
  • Stab after Guardbreak o longer requires strict timing to perform
  • Side Heavy Opener and Finisher Heavy weapon trajectories have been updated to have slightly longer side reach




  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an animation after an Axe Mode Side Heavy Finisher that is Feinted and followed by another attack. ( FH-4884 )
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue with the Out Of Lock Chained Light, Out Of Lock Finisher Light, Nomad Rush, Throne Usurper, and Throne Guard that sometimes caused them to miss.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Afeera's mace to disappear when going on a ladder. ( FH-5475)

Varangian Guard

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Varangian Guard weapon to not get highlighted during an execution, when 'Hell Gate' effect is equipped.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed the Spanish translation of the Varangian Guard's name.

Black Prior

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a camera issue when performing Black Prior's Tenebris Thrust.
    ( FH-5171)


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Feats loadouts to be reset after closing the game. ( FH-6215 )


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Ocelot's Remnant chest piece to pass through his body.  ( FH-6363 )
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Conqueror's ornaments disappear when Megrez Helm is equipped.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Gryphon's ornament Tusk of Betrayal to be misplaced.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a visual issue with Raider's arms when equipping Soemiligr gear.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a visual issue with Nobushi's right arm when equipping Hokuto gear.