March 15, 2022

4 Min Read

Introducing Insider Sessions


We are pleased to welcome you to our XDefiant Insider Sessions. These play sessions will place players with and against our development team to showcase different features of the game. We learned a lot from our last Closed Test, thanks to your in-depth and genuine feedback. Which we're hoping for even more of.

XDefiant Insider Sessions will be available for select registrants on PC. Invitations to these sessions will be sent starting March 15th. As the tests progress, we plan to expand the number of participants. Remember, registration is open to all players, PC and console, so be sure to register for updates on when console players will enter testing.

These sessions will be an opportunity for you to get hands on in-progress features and provide feedback. Additionally, you'll be introduced to Factions from games outside of the Tom Clancy universe. With these changes, the game will now be known as XDefiant. 

Make sure you are registered at for a chance to participate.

These sessions will be under NDA, so we will be a little quiet until we have more to share - but rest assured, we'll be there playing with you and engaging in conversations, as we continue to work toward making XDefiant the best experience that it can be.

See you out there!

- The XDefiant Development Team


Who can register to play XDefiant?
Registration is open to all players, PC and console, so be sure to register for updates.

How do I register to play XDefiant?
Register at for updates and a chance to participate in Insider Sessions.

Can I register for more than one platform?
No. You can only register for one platform at this time, so choose carefully.

Who can participate in Insider Sessions?
Currently, Insider Sessions will be available for select registrants on PC in the following countries:

United States, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Poland, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Greece, Slovakia, Croatia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Andorra, and Monaco.

As the program continues, we aim to expand the number of Insider Session participants. Keep an eye on your email to know if you've been invited.

What platforms are Insider Sessions on?
Currently, Insider Sessions will be available for select registrants on PC.

Remember, registration is open to all players, PC and console, so be sure to register for updates on when console players will enter testing.

Are Insider Sessions under NDA?
Yes, the Insider Sessions are under NDA.

How will I know if I've been selected?
You will receive an email invitation to participate in Insider Sessions.

If invited, how many Insider Sessions can I participate in?
Once invited and participation is confirmed, you are able to participate in all following Insider Sessions. Information on additional session times will be shared regularly, so make sure to keep an eye on your email.

Will more players be invited to Insider Sessions?
Yes, as the program continues, we aim to expand the number of Insider Session participants. Keep an eye on your email to know if you've been invited.

What if I already registered?
Your registration status carries over. We recommend however double checking on the website that you are registered.

What if I played in the first Closed Test?
Participating in the first Closed Test does not exclude you from being able to participate in this test. All registrants have a chance to be invited to Insider Sessions. Keep an eye on your email to know if you've been invited.