Reputation Score Beta Status Update


Reputation System Beta: System Balancing


Today, the Reputation System Formula will be updated to pave the way for new changes and initiatives that will be coming in future seasons. Multiple changes will be coming into effect, leading to exciting new improvements and more accurate Reputation Standings for players. 


We have rebalanced the way we account for various actions in the system, ultimately affecting how easy it is to attain the highest Standings of Esteemed and Exemplary. 

We have also made changes to certain measures that affect when penalties will be triggered. With the new updates, the point at which a player triggers a penalty will be more consistent.


  • After this update, players' Reputation Standings may have changed. Playing fairly and respecting others is key to helping raise a player's Standing.

  • Repeat offenders may rapidly trigger a penalty. Avoiding further disruptive actions will be vital to maintaining a good Standing.


With this major rebalancing, many players will be seeing a change in their Reputation Standing, with some disruptive players also accelerating the triggering of penalties. This is a deliberate result of our latest Reputation System update. We're working to ensure that this system works well for all players, and we know that with the efforts of our community, together, we can build a great experience for everyone . 

The Reputation System remains in its Beta phase and will keep on evolving as we move forward. In the future, we will be bringing greater visibility and control to players and additional ways for you to interact with one another in prosocial ways. 

We remain committed to ensuring a safe environment for all players.

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