
Interview with Immortals

What has Immortals learned from their negative results at the Six Major Paris?

  • Leone “oNe” Kayque: The best thing is to learn from our mistakes. We made many mistakes and I’m sure we’re sorting them out now. We always learn even more after losing an important match for which we were feeling very confident.

The team is more mature now. Do you think this can influence the results in Rio?

  • Lucas “Yuuk” Rodrigues: Yes, and it can influence them directly. As we keep acquiring experiences, the team has a constant evolution.

How is it going to feel like playing for a fervent crowd of over 10 thousand people in an arena?

  • Daniel “Novys” Novy: It’s going to be a unique experience; my first time being watched by a crowd, once we didn’t play on the stage at the Paris Major!

Do you think the supporters can help push the team against G2?

  • Diogo “D1OGO1” Vieira: Absolutely! The Brazilian crowd will help us a lot against G2.

What does Immortals have to do in order to have a good performance at this final stage of Pro League?

  • Jaime “Cyb3r” Ramos: We need to keep up what we’ve been doing: training ourselves and studying hard the opponents we’ll face.

Speaking of individual highlights within Immortals, who do you think that could stand out at Pro League?

  • Matheus “pX” Freire: I believe everyone in our line-up will stand out this time. You can’t just play against G2 and not have an awesome game.

Send a message to all Immortals’ fans.

  • Everyone: thank you everyone for all your support; we’ve been through ups and downs but kept always resisting thanks to your encouragement. Please send us all your positive energy and good vibes, because that will change the game. Without you, our fans, we would be nothing, and you can be sure we’ll be giving our best. See you all in Rio!

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