Deep State
Episode 2
Episode 2 begins on March 24th, 2020 with the release of the new adventure: Deep State. You will also discover a new class: the Echelon, as well as new PVP maps and the introduction of the Ghost Experience. A live event will also be available later during this new episode.
Adventure - Deep State
Team up with Sam Fisher to uncover the conspiracy. What is CLAW?
Support the rebel Outcasts and bring chaos to the Sentinels. Join the Resistance live from July 16 - July 30!

New Class - Echelon
Stealth is the name of the game with this new class. Use your Sonar Vision to detect enemies through walls and use the Shock Pistol to eliminate enemies stealthily. Plus Reflex shot, shadow master, and handgun proficiency passive skills make this class the ultimate stealth killer.

Get The Year 1 Pass
The Year 1 Pass includes complete access to Episode 1, Episode 2, and Episode 3 Red Patriot adventures, along with the ability to invite non-owners to play their missions. Year 1 Pass owners also get one-week early access to all the new classes, beginning with the Engineer, Echelon, and Pathfinder. The pass also includes the Special Operation Forces pack, which includes various gear items.