
5 Ways to Get Better At Rainbow Six Siege

Has your aim been feeling off? Looking for new ways to improve communication with your team? Some awesome members of our community have created thorough guides to help! Check out these five videos for tips on how to master these challenging elements, and visit Gameplan for even more videos on Rainbow Six Siege.

1. Create a Winning Strategy

Whether by yourself or with a team, having a solid plan could mean the difference between victory and defeat. In this video, Disrupt Gaming will break down the mindset you need to make winning strategies for a match in Rainbow Six Siege, from map knowledge to team makeup.

How to Make Your Own Strats in Rainbow 6

2. Adjust Your Aim Sensitivity

Bullets not hitting their mark? Make sure to check your sensitivity! Below, creator Jpeasy explains the function of mouse aim sensitivity on PC and how to successfully adjust it to best suit your playstyle.

How to Find Your Rainbow 6 Sensitivity

No mouse and keyboard? No problem! Gruntastic runs you through the best process for testing and adjusting your aim sensitivity on a controller.

How to Improve Your Aim in Rainbow Six Siege (With a Controller)

3. Developing Better Team Callouts

Good communication is at the core of successful teamwork. Here, Griefdrums walks you through some strategies to improve your callouts and more efficiently communicate as a team.

Improving Your Callouts

4. Improve Your Game Sense

“Game sense” is an umbrella term often heard in Rainbow Six Siege, which includes situational awareness, map knowledge, understanding the game’s mechanics, and more. In this comprehensive video, creator Syntaxx breaks down what exactly Game Sense is and five ways for you to improve yours over time.

Improve Your Game Sense

5. Dealing With Pressure

Every player knows they’re inevitably going to find themselves in tense situations. In this video, Disrupt Gaming is back to teach you not only how to deal with pressure, but even leverage it against your opponents.

How to Deal with Pressure Like a Pro

Rainbow Six Siege is a demanding tactical game with many skills to learn and strategies to develop. For more tips, walkthroughs, and guides on everything from Operators to Maps, make sure to check out Rainbow Six’s Gameplan page.

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